Student Sponsorship Letter Writing Guidelines
Your sponsored student is genuinely curious about your life, much like your interest in theirs. Sharing details about your experiences can be a source of inspiration for them, encouraging a stronger dedication to their studies, fostering confidence in their relationships, and deepening their spiritual connection.
- Describe what your life is like. What is your typical day like now?
- What do you do at church/work/school?
- What are some interesting facts about your state/region?
- What are you learning right now?
- What are your closest family members like?
- What are some recent changes in your life (workplace, moving, graduations)?
Talk about your spiritual life.
- How did you become involved in your local church?
- How has God comforted you in troubled times?
- What was the last sermon you heard or class study about? How has that impacted you?
Explain how you are affected by sponsorship.
- What is your prayer for the student at Adonai Centre?
- How do you remember the child throughout the week or month?
- What do you appreciate about this child? (Comment on recent letter, the child’s prayers for you, artwork in a letter, smile in the photo, or something else.)
- How can you encourage your sponsored child on any recent successes or milestones?
- Elaborating on your material possessions (for example, the size of your home or kind of car you drive). This will only accentuate the difference between you and your child.
- Suggesting that your sponsored child visit the United States.
- Using slang or colloquialisms that would be difficult to translate or understand.
Asking the child what they want as a gift from you; The children are told not to ask for things from you out of respect.